There is absolutely no possibility of fresh greens today, not even with my roast pork dinner. So here’s another old one to be going on with, while I put in another day’s graft on this publication. I am hoping that normal service will be resumed some time early in the coming week.

In knitty news: Alpine Butternut Scarf 60% complete as I finished the third ball in bed last night with Mr L, Nell, Johnnie Walker, and a fiendishly difficult crossword; the Malabrigo dark green “Vaa” was cast on into a cowl yesterday evening. I have three rows done and think I might have to frog it and get a shorter circular needle. F0r now, let’s call it “pattern testing” rather than a full-on project.
Absolutely desperate to dive into the new book and make a shawl! or a Fichu, perhaps. It’s a very inspiring book. Will do a full review later.