This is becoming boring, isn’t it? Never mind, the work can’t go on forever – there is a hard and fast deadline to be met.
The Alpine Butternut is ready for a bath and photos will be forthcoming when time and weather come together. An early bed time saw the Crofter’s Cowl come close to an end last night. Just one repeat and the grafting (90 stitches!) to go. It’s a very quick knit – just a couple of hours work so far.
I am planning a Laminaria in a bright green yarn from Natalie – the Machair that I posted a pic of last week. Needles have been ordered and I expect to announce the cast-on once the publishing thing is over and done with. I admit to a level of fear over this project. It would not surprise me if it didn’t come to fruition – but Project Spectrum is about personal challenge as far as I am concerned and if I don’t use it to push my boundaries, then what’s the point in participating? A girl has to try!
The sun is out today and I would like to be out and about making photographs, but I can’t be. So I shall just look forward to the time when I can, and offer you this spring green from the archives…

I chose this as the closest green I could find to the Machair that inspires me to make a Laminaria.