Sorry, still nothing much to report here and very little time to do that in.
Mr L gave up on the central heating boiler after fitting a new jet and oil filter and he called somebody in to look at it. The verdict was that a new controller was needed and the boiler man went away on Wednesday evening saying he would try to get one in Scotland and return after tonight to fit it. Well, this diagnosis kept niggling at Mr L and he went to check and decided that the controller was fine. He Googled a little and then set about cleaning the burner. The Central Heating now works. Hurrah!
The replacement wash basin tap came in today’s post and was fitted — but not without a measure of trauma and a deal of bucket filling and emptying.
What else… more laundry, the arrival of our new memory foam mattress and pillows, the taming of the waste hose on the Roadtrek (another HURRAH! moment, that one) plus a number of other improvements and running repairs including the fixing of the sink waste leak and new runners for the cutlery drawer that has been flying open every time that we round a bend too fast. Sale of the Bar Billiard table is agreed and Mr L’s vinyl collection has left the premises.
The concert tickets have arrived and Vincent is almost ready for me to pack again for our weekend away, which I have to say that I am looking forward to very much indeed. Optician appointments have been made for both of us for the Friday afternoon. I really ought to fit in a shearing session at the hairdresser too,
Tried watching ep 1 of American Gods last night. I do not think that we shall be wasting any bandwidth on ep 2.
- No knitting done but I do have itchy fingers and a desire to make something delicate and pretty.
- No further French lessons yet though we should probably try lesson 2 tomorrow
- I really must write up our journey home for Two Snails.
- and plan our meals for the weekend away and make anything that needs to go with us
- Mr L is pestering me to tell him what to cook for dinner next weekend. I am stubbornly refusing to have a birthday, thank you very much.
See – boring!
I have really enjoyed following you both on your trip to the emerald isle and am glad to see your safe return home. Glad you have sorted the few homecoming glitches with relative ease. Best wishes and happy thoughts to you both.
Hello, sweetie. How are you? I wouldn’t be too up on the sorting glitches thing just yet. Today was not the best of days
but the shower is now working – unlike the new tap.