When I said that I was “only” going to allow myself the ribbing on one of the hand warmers today, I hadn’t really stopped to consider the constraints, had I? An inch and a half of k2 p2 doesn’t sound like much until you stop to think about the challenge of knitting laceweight yarn on cocktail sticks 2mm needles.
Of course, I don’t have to do the full amount I allowed myself. Nobody is forcing me to complete the rib. I could return to the Slippery Socks – but when I confess that I all but had an orgasm casting on the gloves, well, you know… I can’t leave them alone, can I?
I love everything about this yarn: the colour, the shading, the handle, the knitted fabric. It is a feast for the senses. It gladdens my eye. It moistens my… *cough* get a grip, girl! No, really, it is gorgeous stuff. And nice mindless, relaxing knitting after all that slipping and cabling. I am certain that the break will do the Arizona Quickstep some good.
I am using Hand-dyed cashmere yarn, 2 ply, in colour “Berries” from Violet Green. £9.99 for 55 grammes. Offering 366m/400 yds, it isn’t the finest of lace weights, but will be just the job for the Alpaca Warmers and I won’t be surprised to get more than one pair from this ball. I hope that I do, because giving these away to my sister will likely break my little knitter’s heart – and buying cashmere for oneself isn’t really quite the thing, whilst perfectly OK for a gift (and hoping for leftovers!)
At the moment I don’t plan to knit the fingers, but I may change my mind when I reach the knuckles. I do wish that I had thought to add a picot edge to the cuffs. I think that would look pretty, especially if teamed with a picot edge to the cast off if I do leave the fingers out.
These have been labelled my Petra-fied Hand Warmers. The colour may be called Berries, but it looks like an old rose colour to me: Petra – the “Rose-red city, half as old as time”. I think this is my best-named project thus far
I seem to be losing enthusiasm for the Slippery Socks today. Must get back to them soon and not let them just wither on the vine.