Yesterday, when Mr L and Nell hoofed it to Dalbeattie, they had an incident. Having met somebody from the site, they were nattering when along came a couple of cyclists. She had met with an accident, he seemed shocked and unable to cope very well. Mr L assessed the situation rapidly and said “She needs an ambulance”. This was something that he reiterated several times over the course of the next few rather surreal minutes. Unfortunately the chap he had been speaking with elected to be in charge and suggested that the young couple walk back with him to the site where he would put them in his car and take them back to their party’s minibus in the forest car park at Dalbeattie. That the girl had a bad injury to he knee was evident (her leg looked “all wrong”) but when she said she had no memory of what had happened and her companion said “you fell off your bike and hit your knee” then he added “and you hit your head.” The phone was out of the bag in a flash and once more Mr L said “She needs an ambulance” adding “and quickly.”
By the time that he came home he was very upset with himself, worrying about what had happened and wishing he had been more assertive. I was no help as I completely agreed with him, he should have rung for assistance and it was daft not to.
We both hope that she was OK and I suspect that my old man is going to be dealing with his guilty feelings for some time to come.

Despite yesterday’s setbacks with Cézanne, I could not not resist the sunshine this morning. We made sandwiches and set off to walk to Rockcliffe to do a geocache there, then walked back to Kippford, doing another cache on the way. We took the uphill route on site and through the forest via the Muckle Trail to the Jubilee Path and down into Rockcliffe. I had my camera with me and took a few photographs for a small project that I have in mind. The ice cream van was present today so a 99 cornet was added to the pleasures of the day.

I liked the location for the second cache of the day. It was a spot that we had not previously come across, lying, as it does, on a cross path between the (lower) Coastal Path and the (higher) Jubillee path. It goes up to a viewpoint that is actually above the Jubilee path before coming down the other side to join it. Two memorial benches sit in a clearing, facing out onto some gorgeous views.

There are very few caches now remaining in the “walk out and get them” category. We will mop them up soon.
One last photo from today?
I have confirmed that the person that I saw in Castle Douglas on Wednesday was indeed my friend who lives near here. I wish my brain had kicked into gear in time to say “Hello” as he passed by but he’s a bit nifty on that bike of his. We shall get together soon. It has been a long time, perhaps as long as 15 years. I’m not entirely certain. What I do know is that despite all expectations to the contrary, he hasn’t aged a bit!
In our exchanges today he was able to inform us that we can get LPG in his locality. We had known that there used to be a garage with LPG there but all of our intel until now has been that they no longer do Autogas and we had expected to need to visit Dumfries or Newton Stewart when we need fuel. It is excellent news that we can get it closer to home, and at what it appears is an extremely good price (compared to the North of Scotland, that is.)
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