6KCBWDAY3 Photographic Experimentation

[su_box title=”Day Three: Experimental Photography And Image Handling For Bloggers.” style=”soft” box_color=”#5a889e” radius=”5″]Every Year Knitting & Crochet Blog Week tries to feature at least one day where photography takes a key role, because it has been proven many times that what captures reader’s attention for the first few seconds to hopefully hold them long enough to invest the time to read your words is your pictures, and so this topic crops up each year, but every year it yields such different results!

Refresh your skills at creating attention-grabbing pictures.



It is all that I have to offer this year
It is all that I have to offer this year – my Ferry Sock knitting kit, captured in one of my cameras

Much of the past few weeks has been given over to refining my Photoshop and Lightroom skills. What I have not been doing is any form of fibrecraft. No knitting, no spinning, no weaving, no nothing. What I should like to do today is to wow you with my latest FO photographs but there are no Finished Objects to share!

I had a plan well in place to provide the tale of a Yarn’s Progress, from the yarn’s perspective, today. Alas, there just has been no time and, more importantly, no tidy space in which to photograph the yarn’s eye view of the spinner at work etcetera. DIY carnage rules around here just now.

So, I have blobbed today. Kind of. You see, you are getting the benefit all week of my improved skills in image handling. You will find the results of my learning in almost every post that I have made or will make this week.

On it, or off it?
On it, or off it?

Are you going to let me off this hook? Please?

Read more on this topic from other knitters and crocheters


  1. spinninggill
    May 13, 2015

    I’m still wondering what to put. Ah! I know. 😉

    • May 14, 2015

      Gill, did your scheduled post publish OK and on time? Mine are not working this week.

  2. May 13, 2015

    It sounds like you have some great ideas for future posts which is always the big thing I get out of this week.

  3. May 13, 2015

    It happens to all of us…best laid plans and all….I wish I had time to spend more on the photography…just not this week…

  4. May 13, 2015

    I love the reflection of your knitting in the camera lens…really cool??

    • May 13, 2015

      Thank you, Joyce. It’s another photo that I took for a post later this week – I layered it in to the original image of the camera

  5. May 13, 2015

    What a great photo! I love the framing within the camera lens – makes a photo of something not particularly interesting look so much more interesting! my photography skills are terrible which you will probably gather if you take a look at my post for today but seeing everyone elses posts is inspiring me to learn how to do better!

    • May 13, 2015

      Thank you, H. I had fun making the image but it took a silly amount of time 🙂

  6. May 13, 2015

    Ha ha! Sounds like a good post though – you should save it for the future!

  7. May 13, 2015

    LOL don’t forget to do the yarn’s story eventually though 🙂

  8. May 13, 2015

    I like that photo of your sock kit in the camera lens – well done!

    • May 14, 2015

      Not logged in comments working for me. tested from my phone as me and from my desktop as someone who has never posted a comment here. Hm.

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