Polishing my halo and looking for my flippers

Today has been one to be proud of, so far. There has been a fair imitation of domesticity going on and laundry, dishwashers and cat trays have all been dealt with. There has been much moving of boxes in the workroom and even some movement of stuff between boxes, in an attempt at organisation. I think that I have created about a cubic foot of space. I also liberated a whole storage crate and packed a poly bag with yarns that I know I shall never use. Wow.

More importantly, I have reminded myself of some of the many unfinished projects lying about the place – not everything is accounted for at Ravelry, and the situation is dire. Honestly. I need to knuckle down.

That being so, I think that I have identified the next couple of items for completion — and a few where I must be brave and just go straight for the frog pond. It is time to be honest and admit to falling from infatuation with some items.

SpinningGill has been  round to select the yarns for two items that I am to make for her, and these are scheduled for next week. I still believe that I can complete the two pairs of unfinished Silk Road Socks this week… after that I am going to complete a handspun scarf that I began in December (assuming that the yarn holds out – I may need to spin more.) I have queued another, barely started, Violently Domestic sock (Inlay) but I believe that one will head in the direction of the frog pond. Nothing wrong with  the pattern but I am not enamoured of the pattern/yarn combination. We shall have to see how I feel when I sit down to give it a good look over.

Overall, I do believe that the frog pond will  be my salvation – I just need to steady those nerves and kiss stuff goodbye.

The Pi blanket almost came out of hibernation today. It’s making a lot of little noises at me and may appear soon. I really need to make decisions about borders and edgings so that I can progress on that one.

I have to make lunch. I’ll come back to this later.

(pause for smoked haddock chowder)

Oh, my, that was good. (burp)

Pictures! (Click for bigginess)

On my wheel
Socks in Progress
Camel hair and silk
Flukra triangle by The Shetland Trader
Soft, light, and silky
Snowflakes, inadequately blocked

One Comment

  1. January 4, 2012

    Well, I know that one of the recipients reads this blog!

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