We’ve been on a garden safari, in search of our missing cat, Treacle. He’s been out since 08:30, which is not his normal behaviour since he suffered a stroke. We’re getting a little worried.
Anyway – [url=http://www.blipfoto.com/entry/4586631]Life at 60 Degrees was pondering on the imminence of Autumn the other day[/url]. Sure enough, we had a heavy dew yesterday morning and just now I found these growing. It’s not a case of extreme pessimism – the last few nights have actually approached something like proper darkness and the Orkney saying “First the County Show and then Winter” has been proved true enough time and again. The County Show happens two weeks on Saturday. Batten those hatches down!
(And no sooner had I uttered the words than the cat was home and snarfing down his dinner as though there were no tomorrow. Oddly, he’s completely dry despite the presence of a heavy haar all day – we have no outbuildings to explain this…)