Every 108 minutes… … or else?
Project Tag: Blipfoto nybblets
It is apparently Victoria Beckham’s birthday today. I am no fan of The Spice Girls but I do love my spices.
Today is St Magnus’ Day. According to the Orkneyinga Saga: “[i]With Magnus’ fate sealed, Hakon ordered Ofeig, his standard-bearer, to execute the earl. But the…
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Shaw]Percy Shaw[/url] was born this day in 1890. I can’t go out and photograph a line of cat’s eyes down the middle of the road…
Gerry Anderson was born this day in 1929. He featured large in my childhood and I was entranced in turn by Twizzle and Torchy and…
Today is the anniversary of Guy Fawkes’ birth. I spent much of yesterday taking high speed shots of exploding party poppers. Today I was going…
That’s the[url=http://www.greatglenshipping.co.uk/vessels/] MV Burhou I, belonging to the Great Glen Shipping Company[/url], tied up at Kettletoft. I know it’s a carp photo but it was…
I did not have 101 Dalmations to hand today, just one and a half collies. Unfortunately I only got one in the frame at any…
The last few times that I have been into town, I have seen Revelry harboured at Kirkwall. She’s registered as K100 and I thought that…