Saturday Morning

The Bank Reserve
The Bank Reserve

A large deposit at the bank this morning added to an already sizeable reserve – and provided my Blip for today.

Popped across the road to Lady PO after divesting ourselves of three skiploads, and I posted two letters to the USA  and one to Malaysia, picking up one of my favourite sizes of Really Useful Box (18 litres) while I was there. I had no money, but Andrew said to drop it off next time I’m passing. I love island living.

Thence to try the new Community Shop. They had Wensleydale, Grommit! So my needs for the Varagen trip should be easily satisfied. (That reminds me, I need to give the cake another shot of rum! )

wpid8949-BL_13_00001-Edit.jpgWe took the dogs to Cata Sand but two out of three were less than enthusiastic, as was Mr L. Getting on a bit, all three of them. Nell, as usual did not care. Suzie cried constantly while we were out. She seems not to enjoy cold winds these days so we did not stay out long.

My  hands were so cold that I found  camera handling difficult. I took a snap of the three dogs waiting to be let out to walk – fiddled with it a lot to age it up a bit – to suit the Land Rover, you know. Decided that I am spending too much time on Tumblr and being heavily influenced by the arty types there. I blame Adam Goldberg mainly. I am loving his analog stuff. Had no idea before this week that he is a photo freak.

Sinclair’s dropped off some couriered goods at lunchtime. I now have a new monitor. Or had. Having proved the dual monitor concept, using Mr L’s old Samsung monitor, he went out and bought us both a new Dell to match the ones that we already have. We had one each but have swapped around a bit in testing, and now he has two new monitors and I have my old one plus his old one. Both are in need of a good clean. This I know because I also have a new desk lamp – and under its unforgiving glare, all dusty secrets are revealed. Both items were completely unexpected treats.

There was one other, very special, package in today’s delivery – but I am keeping it a secret, for now. We have a holiday weekend, with Mr L having three days off. If the weather plays ball, I hope to have some great photographs to share next week.

I am designated cook today. There will be Thai Green Curry later. Right now, I am going to  unearth my stationery supplies from the train room and then put them away in my new Really Useful Box. After that, I need to catch up and do what should have been done yesterday – I missed my Friday File Ferret again. I blame the migraine.

Tomorrow should find me in the kitchen – I have plans involving Brioche.


Letters today went to

  • PostMuse (USA) (SendSomething)
  • Sean Duffy (USA) (SendSomething)
  • Annie (Malaysia) (Lettermo)

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