Well, there I was, all puffed up with pride and gloating over my TWO new pairs of socks. TWO UFOs ticked off.

Then what happens? The Spring Knitty is what happens and… hey presto – TWO MORE pairs of socks on the needles.

I cast on a pair of Tribute for myself, using some Caber from The Yarn Yard that I had in my stash. I have been calling this one peach but it really looks like orange sherbert.
The Frost Flowers stitch pattern looks very complex but turns out to be surprisingly easy to knit, and much faster than I had expected – and they are fun.
I cast on to two Addi Lace circulars but swapped to a single Addi Turbo when I reached the stage of slipping stitches between rounds. The Turbo has slowed things down a lot; the cable is very kinky and awkward to work with. There’s a new sock needle in the post and these socks are on hold until it arrives.

I cannot retrieve the pair of Lace needles because they are now involved in the Twisted sock, which I have cast on for Mr L with my favourite skein of Toddy from The Yarn Yard.

It is this pair of deceptively simple-looking socks that is actually causing me the most grief. I keep forgetting which row I am on and slipping when I should be knitting and vice versa, or (worse) mixing it up within the same row.
Nevertheless, I rocketed along the leg, cranked out the heel flap, turned the heel, picked up the gusset and… came to a shuddering halt when the foot pattern would not line up.
I went wrong somewhere and almost two hours of tinking and re-knitting late last night has not solved the issue. Scheduled for investigation this afternoon. I might have to frog back to the point of separating the heel stitches out. Oh, my.
At least the yarn is lovely, and most comforting to knit with. I adore Toddy. It is so soft and squishy.

All this sockage means, of course, that UFO-busting has slowed considerably. AND I am behind on the Evenstar again, with half of Clue 3 to knit before Clue 4 comes out tomorrow. The damn thing isn’t even on the needle at the moment! Currently (nominally) being busted are the Very Terhi mitts – which I loathe with a vengeance. I desperately want to get them busted and off my todo list. Then I never want to see them again! Anybody want them?
In Other News:
Weaving – Table loom still not fully warped, no weaving yet achieved. None. Not one inch. Completely illogically however, a new Knitter’s Loom is on its way to me and I have a parcel of cones from Texere that I am itching to get my hands on. More of this when the loom arrives. The table loom is packed away now until the DIY period is over.
Spinning – I took my wheel to spinning yesterday and actually spun on it for the whole two hours – I didn’t get my knitting out once. It did make my hands quite sore though. Almost a full bobbin of the blended Shetland batts was achieved. I would like to spin another before the weekend is out and have another plyed skein completed. There is still quite a lot of the fibre to spin up and I am eager to complete it and move on to something else. I’d like to clear the Shetland batts before Mr L goes away. That way I can tackle a whole smelly fleece in the comfort of my sitting room while he is gone Something must be done about the fleece stash – and soon. There is no longer anywhere left to store it!