I found Share Your World via Mama Bear’s Musings. I might give it a tickle. Let’s try today and see how things go. It is, apparently, a double-header
- If a movie was made based on your life, what actor/actress would play you?
- Show us a couple of your favorites photographs? If you are not a photographer, think of a favorite scene in your life and tell us about them.
- What do you like most about home?
- Good heavens, I have no idea. Do they have to be of the right age to play a younger me, must they be still alive or can I choose anybody? I’ll have Dame Judi Dench, please. No, she doesn’t look like me – but she’s marvellous, so I shall have her anyway.
- I have almost 20,000 photographs catalogued in Lightroom. How do I choose favourites? Here are some that I am particularly fond of:
Knotted Teddy Snoozing Unfurling - Being secure and secluded
- What is one of your quirky traits?
- What has surprised you about blogging?
- Which do you prefer sweet or salty? Or both at the same time?
- Avoiding the wrong side of the camera. I take photographs all the time but will go to any length to avoid being captured – or having to face the results of having been caught on film. I avoid mirrors too. I don;t like to see how hideous I am.
- How mean-spirited, narrow-minded and intolerant some folks can be. That some people think a different opinion must necessarily be an incorrect one. I had expected people to be as tolerant as I am and to allow me my own space in which to be me. I found it hard to believe just how much attack one can come under once the head is above the parapet.
- If I had to choose either/or – salty but I do love both together. Peanut Brittle. Yum. Salted Caramel – heaven.
I’m with you….don’t get me in front of the camera EVER. I adore your photography. Thanks so much for participating in SYW.
I love the picture of Teddy snoozing… he is so cute!
My brother is the same way about the camera. He doesn’t usually take that many picture, but he HATES to have his picture taken.