The weather picked up a little on Wednesday and was a far drier day. I did something about the huge pile of laundry that had come home with us on Monday and I cleared some things out of the van, taking Teddy in with me to begin his process of familiarisation.

He had a thorough exploration, all the while making his special “It’s new and I don’t like it!” noises but seemed more relaxed after a period in the driver’s seat – maybe he gained some sense of control. Soon he was exploring in a more purposeful and adventurous manner, leaping from the table on to the worktop and back again. Once he began rubbing against the door post, I knew that he was making himself at home.
I thought that half an hour was enough for a first session. I’ll take him in again soon and take my knitting with me so that we can spend a length of time in there. I shall put a cat tray in the shower tray well and see what he makes of that.
The remainder of my day was taken up mostly with idly editing and sorting images but not actually getting much further in writing up our adventures.
Mr L is away to town tomorrow and will not let me go with him. Maybe I will catch up then.
We are making a shopping list of things we shall need in the van when we go for longer breaks:
- Dustbuster (rechargeable) – you should see the sheer volume of dead midges that we collected over our weekend away!
- Bug zapper
- An insect repellent that does what it says on the can
- Midge nets to fit our Tilley Hats
- Some decent quality walking trousers of the lightweight “dry overnight” kind – Rohan’s or some-such.
- Basic kitchen kit –
- scissors,
- small mixing bowls,
- preparation knives
- Extension of our First Aid kit to add:
- antiseptic cream
- anti-histamine (cream and tabs)
- Solar panels
- Waterproof lightweight seat pads
- list to be extended

The Rough Guide to Brittany and Normandy arrived today and will provide reading material for some time to come.
We completed watching the entire eight series of 24 before we went away. Aware that watching all that darkness had affected our mood state, we have elected for a complete change and began watching our new set of Ab Fab
DVDs last night. You could not get much more difference than that!
Today is a fasting day and I have a pan of lentil, carrot and coriander soup on the hob. I am recycling a recipe that I made a few weeks ago as we both found it utterly delicious and very satisfying. After lunch I hope to get some washing on the line, weather gods permitting, and then Teddy and I shall take my second Warriston sleeve out to the van and sit for a couple of hours. I suspect that he is not going to allow any knitting to be done however.
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