
There follows here some actual Knitting Content. Don’t be amazed. You knew that it, like my mojo,  would be back one day.

It was rather longer ago than I care to admit that I announced a new project, the Beekeeper’s Quilt. I notice on my Ravelry project page that I was aiming for a completion by December 2012! The project was to be made in Colinette’s “Art” bamboo blend yarn, which provides an Aran-weight yarn without the avoirdupois. It goes without saying that Colinette dye it in a myriad colours. It should make a fine blanket. I rounded up oddments already at hand and also bought a couple of “creativity packs” to have at hand for  a greater choice of colours. I could add more packs as and when I needed them.

At my last count I think I had 35 puffs in the jar and a few more in my project bag. That left a long way to go but as we know, there has been a significant Knitting Hiatus going on in these parts.


42 Hexapuffs
42 Hexapuffs as of this morning

I’d hoped to call in at Colinette whilst we were away in Wales, in order to stock up with some more of the money-saving creativity packs and also to choose a shade for the Swirl jacket I have been planning. Unfortunately we did not manage to visit the right area and I was thwarted.

It was on that trip that I realised that we really needed the blanket on the bed – that RV is not made for British winter weather and some nights we shivered. I made up my mind to crack on with the blanket soon.

But first I completed a sock… then, having grafted the toe on Saturday afternoon during the footie, I reached for my Hexapuffs. I completed the one already on the needles.

Yesterday's new puff
Yesterday’s new puff

Yesterday was the day that I made up my mind to really go for it and to have the blanket in use in the van by this Autumn. I cast on for a new puff and was knitting it at the actual point when Gill sent me a link to look at. Slowly it began to dawn and Gill sent me a second link even as my eyes were widening and my jaw was dropping – she added a question “Are they stopping completely? It looks like it….”

“Our last hank has been dyed.”


No, no, no, no, NOooooooo!

We are clearly behind on this news and had I made it to the shop in March my needs might have been met, though no longer. None of the colours that I like has more than three hanks in stock – so no Swirl jacket in my future (anyone want to buy the book from me?)

I could buy some odd skeins for my blanket but they are all remaining at full price and I cannot justify purchasing at that price at this time. Mr L would be v cross if I did that.

This is what I have remaining

A long way short of a blanket!
A long way short of a blanket!

and it is a long way short of a blanket quantity. I shall have to add a different yarn  in and that is a disappointment to me.

So, I am soliciting. If any reader has any scraps of Colinette Art that they can liberate from their stash, I’ll be happy to pay what you want for them plus p&p. I’ll p/hop if you prefer. Clearly colour is not an issue and very small quantities remain useful.

I like the subtle shades of Art and would like to complete the blanket in the one yarn base if I can.
I like the subtle shades of Art and would like to complete the blanket in the one yarn base if I can.


No other word for it.


  1. Anna Halford
    May 24, 2016

    I’ve sent out the appeal to friends… friends with knitting groups… Hope something works! Otherwise Teddy is going to have himself a very nice blanket 🙂

  2. May 24, 2016

    I have located my scraps of Art, bizarrely mostly within reach of my knitting chair. I stuffed them on a shelf on the glorious day I completed my swirl. If you search my stash you will see the colours: grey/black, greyish with multicolours, and a little hot pink. I’ll also include the scarf with fingers that is mostly Art. It is a bad scarf, in that it does not warm the neck, so it deserves being ravelled and repurposed. It is a beautiful bluey green.

    Anyway, they will be on their way to you soon. Please can you drop a message to my Gmail reminding me of your postal address? No charge, but if you want to destash something lovely in my direction during your downsizing, I’ll be delighted.

    Really disappointing news about Colinette. I’m sure you will one day find an alternative yarn for a Swirl. It is worth the wait.

    • May 25, 2016

      Thank you, Liz – that is most generous of you. I shall both de-stash in your direction and also p/hop.

  3. May 25, 2016

    I have a skein, acquired from the colinette sale room actually! Send me an email with an address and it’s yours. I have no plans for it, and it was a classic sale purchase as I don’t think I’ll ever use it!

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