Some progress

Sky and Water II – 15% done – still on target at 1 pattern repeat a day.

Merope socks – second sock cast on and rib progressing

Flambé – thick-thin bobbin refilled to near catastrophic point, but small quantity of red and orange stubbornly refusing to fit onto it. Purple bobbin 1/3 full.

Theoretically I could complete the Flambé this afternoon but I confess to not even being sure that I want to. I am extremely tired. Just want to curl up with a good book and a box of choccies really. Perhaps I will feel better post-soup (veggie Scotch Broth and French stick, possibly also mini dumplings – it’s a comfort food kind of a day)

I have three dogs shedding hair at the moment. A pile of fluffy understuff is building up in the conservatory, where I have been brushing the reluctant (Nell, Griff) and the enthusiastic (the ever-wanton Suzie). I am giving serious consideration to attempting to spin some…