Things are continuing to be horribly busy around here; there’s little time for self-indulgence- but I did make time for spinning today.
The weather continues in stunning fashion and we actually broke records today – it was the hottest day since we came to the island. We topped 22 degrees C. With no fresh breeze to moderate the temperature, it has felt very hot indeed. We are not acclimatised to this!
I really wanted to walk to Spinning today. I even measured routes on the map last night (3.5, 3.75, 4.5 miles) and worked out how early I should need to leave. The answer was “too early”-as Mr L had a meeting this morning. So, I drove.
Cake was better for us than usual – watch this space for a new Spinning Cake recipe shortly. Free of gluten, sugar and fat – but surprisingly good nonetheless!
We made plans for the Sheep-to-rug event; we admired kitchen tiles, dogs, poppies and roses; and we observed the observers…
Other than that, I have today wrestled with an instrument of torture and also cleared some (very little, of a large pile) desk work. For light relief this evening I have been wrangling my new install of Photoshop CS3 into some kind of familiar shape. I took time out to turn the Rosa rugosa photo into a couple of brush tips. I think it would be worth revisiting that task and doing it properly. I’ll see if I can come up with something worth sharing.
P.S. I made a Cow brush too. But that was just plain silly. It was the cow on the right…
EDIT: Today being July, PS4 Directions shifts to the South and the Red area of the spectrum. I may just regard the Rosa photos and brush creation as my first” South” creative activities. Those, and the ‘orrible Rhytidome scarf that I was knitting on at spinning today. Beastly thing.