Spinning was with S this week. Added delights included a very nice tea bread, and Earl Grey tea, plus two carrier bags of angora fibre goodies sent to us from Orkney Angora (details of which I need to catalogue and circulate to the spinning ladies for the purposes of informing the divvying up of the spoils.)
I managed to spin all through the session, without recourse to knitting. I suffered some numbness from time to time, but no actual pain. That’s the first time in many months, and I am pleased. However, I still have only half the roving done that I had nominated for PS4 North. The chances of completing it today are… slim.
Having received payment for some work that I did recently, I was able to place an order for a drum carder. I also ordered myself one of the new Competition Lazy Kates… plus a couple of small items. I almost ordered some tops as well, but good sense got the better of me after a brief discussion on the possibility of dealing with SABLE by knitting one’s own shroud!
My order precipitated a flurry of ordering activity from the spinning ladies. I am an bad influence enabler