- Wore my Ripley hat today, with my Simmer Dim about my neck. Felt warm, stylish, reasonably colour-coordinated… and rather smug.
- I think only one hen is laying yet, and she has settled to one egg every other day or so. This means we do not have quite sufficient eggs but I still found myself reluctant to buy any extra this morning.
- It’s a good job I don’t have to make Spinning Cake this week
- Low grade migraine that began on Monday is still with me and won’t go away. This is making me feel very depressed at times.
- Really fed up of my eyes hurting
- The sun came out yesterday afternoon. This made me very much more cheerful than of late.
- The sun was still out this morning. Man in shop complained that it was cold however. He failed to understand my point about the opportunity to don handknits. Notable that I was not the one feeling the cold. Point proved.
- Continuing a week of eating up what’s in the freezer. We have dined well. Today’s curry consists of several leftover dishes and will make a fine banquet.
- I have failed to make much use of the time freed up by eating freezer food.
- But I did put seven squares into my sock yarn blankie yesterday afternoon/evening.
- I love my blankie.
- The blankie is looking good but I have photo challenges in the way of demonstrating that fact here… my PC card reader refuses to read my photo card. Point blank.
- It’s time for me to write a blankie update.
- Am wanting to join a woodworking class to make a traditional Orkney “Creepie” stool. It would make a fine weaving bench, I think. Sadly I need £64 for this venture.
- There are no street corners on Sanday
- I suspect that I will waste time today. Half of me wants to start spinning a fleece, a third of me wants to weave… the rest says “too much like hard work!” The smallest part of me is winning, the part that wants to light a fire and eat chocolate.
- Maybe I’ll pop another square into my blankie while I make my mind up about what to do with my day.
- Got any red sock yarn you don’t want?
My Ripley has barely been off my head!
Although I did swap it for a riding hat earlier on.
Many thanks again for it. I might knit one from handspun for my sister’s birthday.
I’m torn between what to do as well. I’m torn between my newly warped loom, the mountain of fleece I really need to spin up to clear the space in the living room and my beading on my Emily Dickinson shawl.
I suspect Emily could be finished this weekend if I try so for now that’s won!
You can always beg some of the Art, if you want to
Ooh, the delightful Mr Foley can do no wrong in my book. I must dash over to Rav to see your Emily