It is the warmest day of the year thus far and the sun is shining.

We celebrated by eating breakfast al fresco, for the first time this year – just plenty of good coffee and some Brioche. After breakfast we took advantage of the low tide…

…and took the dogs paddling

See? Shorts and sunhat weather! I have to stay covered up, of course

I have a piece of Hebridean lamb thawing. If the weather keeps on this way I’ll get the barbie out later – barbied lamb with Ratatouille. Scrumptious! I wish we had some of the Spitfire I bought last week left. At £1.19 the bottle (in Lidl), it would slip down very nicely with the grilled meat and veggies. Alas, being of a particularly stupid frame of mind last week, I only bought the two bottles.
There is a dead rabbit in the front garden that somebody needs to remove before Nell wolfs the whole thing down (and then sicks it up on the bed). I’m hoping that it disappears before I get around to it… Mr L plans to mow some more grass today so maybe he’ll be my hero and see to it.
Today I plan to spin again. I spun and plied some of the local fleece, which we Dylon dyed last year, last night. I’m hoping to use it for weaving practice. I still have several batts left to spin and would like to have a go on the new flyer, if we can get that sorted today. The Competition Lazy Kate was a revelation! More of that in another post soon… right now, I need to go and prod my lamb – and cut and salt my aubergines.