Stumbling through

Yesterday was a bit odd. I just couldn’t seem to get a handle on it. I think that I realised why last night –  when my eyes turned red and I began to sneeze and found that I had a sore throat.

I did go to Spinning Group or Makkin’ an’ Yakkin’ or whatever we are called now. I did take my spinning wheel and I did continue to fill that bobbin, started on Sunday night. There was just Gill and myself. A lot of lardy cake for two, and me on a fast day an’ all. I brought some home to try today (thanks, Gill.)

After tea I did a few rows on Denali before my eyes became sore and itchy. An early night was indicated and so I took to bed with my new (second-hand) copy of knit, Swirl! and had my first good look. I tried to pick one of the 18 patterns and to think about yarn choices but it was supremely difficult to choose. Current contender is Strata Sphere, to be made from Colinette’s Art yarn, though I did begin to wonder if I might find enough spare cash for some Noro Silk Garden.

That was not until after I had taken a peek at last night’s Merry Dancers and briefly considered going somewhere in the car to take photographs (the school was shining a little brightly last night.) It was cold and windy and there was a moon and some cloud so, all in all, I decided to go fight off the virus. Not until I had got myself far too cold to sleep, unfortunately.

I woke up. or rather didn’t wake up this morning, feeling very tired and barely functional. Vertical, but by no means awake. I do seem to have fought off the virus though, not a sniffle in sight. Yay!

The purple yarn is still not wound. Maybe later on today. Maybe not.

I’ve just retrieved today’s bread from the oven. I’m thinking cheese and onion rolls would be nice. Or pickle. No, onion… cheese and onion. A nice Orkney Cheddar.  I wish we had some Westray Wife.

Spending much of my day in avoiding Broadchurch spoilers. We’ll watch it “on demand” tonight.

Much more of my time has been spent in a frenzy of anticipation for this:

I know that I am way too old for such things but, oh my, Aidan Turner. *swoon*

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