Tell-it Tuesday returns. Yay! Glossing over the recent declaration of a yarn diet… I am told that this “Purchase” is wholly allowable, as it is…
Tag: 2 Tellit Tuesday
It is a grey and uninspiring day today, quite chilly and rather damp. Definitely an indoors day. I am wandering the house, in this awful…
Show and Tell! Show Tell The skein of yarn that I won from pmcblonde‘s blog, by naming her new shawl pattern “Mizzle”, arrived. The pattern…
Today I wish to blow my own trumpet. I think that I should drawn attention, if only my own, to the extreme effort and monumental…
Today’s Show and Tell is a new purchase. Newly landed from Amazon in yesterday’s post — and already destined to become a well-thumbed favourite —…
I love Show and Tell – and just look what I have to show you today! My prize package from Rav user RogueKnit arrived today.…
I promised to tell all, after the Show – and, well, the Show came, and it went again. A jolly good time was had by ourselves, if not all. The rain stayed away; even though the day was nowhere near as grand as last year’s weather, it was probably just about right for such an event.