Results of the draw to win my Annis shawl.
Tag: 2 Tellit Tuesday
Could you A-Muse yourselves today? I have until 5pm tomorrow in which to attempt the completion of what is feeling more and more like the…
Friday’s FO post went AWOL, I am sorry. My Maia was more than ready to show off but Romi’s Maia was not – in short, there was nowhere to link to. The pattern page is now up on Ravelry and I’ll do the FO post this week instead.
In short, I am a total blog failure.
I am not even prepared for today’s Show and Tell post. I am in such a fury of actual knitting production that there seems little time to squeeze anything else in.
So, for today, you may feast your eyes on the RAK package that arrived yesterday.
It’s Tuesday – let’s wave our tail feathers! Lots to see and something to tell. Come on in and read some more.
No really. There is nothing here to see and I have told no tales. No, I haven’t been shopping and spending money that I do not have. No, I am not in the red at the bank.
This is terrible: two show-and-tells in a row that involve shopping and spending money. I’ll be shot at dawn if the old man finds out…
Is it OK to shop if it is bargain-based? I think that it might be 🙂
Colourmart posted some eBay cone end sets last week and I thought that they looked like really good weaving practice yarns…