The rocks are laying now, at least one of them is – she gave us the dearest wee pullet egg yesterday. a big box arrived…
Tag: 6 Saturday Scramble
Mr L normally cooks us a curry from scratch on Saturdays When I called him from Tesco on Thursday, he asked for some king prawns……
Wore my Ripley hat today, with my Simmer Dim about my neck. Felt warm, stylish, reasonably colour-coordinated… and rather smug. I think only one hen…
A few scrambled thoughts for the day Cleaning one’s teeth with Savlon Antiseptic cream may not be the world’s cleverest idea the chooks have layed…
We lingered in bed this morning. After animals were fed, watered and then liberated for toilet duties, we snuck back under the duvet and listened…
Yesterday was an odd one. I woke about 6am with a post-Kirkwall headache, took some painkillers and slept it off until just after 9am. My…
The weather continues fair… …tho’ not so fair as the last few days have been but… …still good enough to have TWO completed pairs of…