Spirits would be lifted today – plus points being: Joshaqan socks finished last night Senneh 2nd sock cast on the rain has ceased However… I…
Tag: hat
The Norie hat called to me most loudly from The Shetland Trader’s recent book release. I didn’t find enough in the book to merit buying…
I was not going to bother with a WIP Wednesday post this week as we seem to have had several WIP reports in recent days.…
Well, the plan to make an FO post today about the Bridgewater shawl have failed, as it has not made it as far as the…
…no sooner do I lay down a plan than it all goes pear-shaped. Yesterday saw the onset of a migraine and the Bridgewater shawl is…
I met a man at the Sanday Show this year. We spoke of this and that. We admired the sheep. He told me that while he was on holiday here he would like to buy a hat. His ideal hat would be hand-woven or hand-knitted from handspun yarn originating from a local fleece.
This is Roger’s Handspun Hat