Tag: memories

January 19, 2013 / Dear Diary

Somebody sent me a mail circular the other day (she knows who she is) – one of those humorous lists such as turned up with daily regularity back in our Usenet days. This particular one was referencing our eating habits in the 1950s. Much of the list I recognised, though I disagreed with quite a few points. This is probably due to an age difference in the writer and myself – I was born in 1953 so my Fifties’ memories will be late Fifties… say 1957 onward. I think perhaps the originator of the list is a few years older than myself and may recall the early years of the decade when I was a mere twinkle in my old dad’s eye.

It’s a long list, so it and my comments are behind the cut. (My, there’s another old-timer’s habit)

Do, please leave your memories and comments. I’d love to read them.