Time to catch up on how life has been treating me over the last couple of months? French red tape has made settling in very…
Tag: sock
Thorfinn is a sock recipe that I conjured up for myself. It was intended as ferry knitting and has been on the needles for a very long time indeed. It went to town a couple of times, but not very often.
I grafted the toe just on the stroke of midnight. Now all I have to do is to knit the second one and I’ll have one more ball of wool for the blankie…
The Sock and I decided that life is too short to spend hours confined on a ferry and in killing time kicking heels around in town. We stayed home and did a little mutual growth exercise instead…
Spinning Spinning was Chez Woolgatherer today. We had the Moist Chocolate Cake and some (not)Mars Bar Crispies for the gluten-free choice. I managed to spin…
I have sinned and fallen off the stash wagon in a big, big way. Here’s some sock sinning to drool over…