In my last post I noted that I was planning to undertake some self-directed learning. I am pleased to say that I have indeed been doing so. It turns out however that the course on Anti-Semitism is not the one for me. I have withdrawn. In its place I have signed up to a Udemy course on Photography (all going at €14.99 today). It is really aimed at Beginners but I feel indeed of being re-enthused and it feels like the right one for me at this time. This course, together with a new camera which I may have reason to believe will be arriving in time for my birthday, should serve to get me up and clicking again.
The Recreational Maths course, by the way, is proving to be highly enjoyable.
On the Spinning front, I have placed an order for some fibre with Katie at Hilltop Cloud and am very eagerly awaiting its arrival.

There is a new cooker in my kitchen, along with a Sous-vide wand, a vacuum bagging machine and a heavy gauge steel stock pot. I am already enjoying doing some proper cooking. Enjoying the eating too!

No knitting has been done and no reading. On the reading front, I was mentioning to Mr L that I should like to get Alexa to play some of my audio books of an evening. I was shocked to learn that I will not be able to play my books because we live in France. All that money, just wasted!
Already feeling less mugwumpish and more energised. I know from experience that the more that I do, the more that I will want to do and the snowball will roll.
There is one gaping hole here – I need to do something to do with writing.
There has been talk of a trip in the motorhome, down to Carcassonne for my birthday, including a two star dinner. Sounds pretty awesome to me. That new camera would come in very handy in Carcassonne…
There is great news on the dieting front but I shall save that for the post that I was planning on that subject. It most likely follows this one. Feel free to skip it if you wish,
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