This is terrible: two show-and-tells in a row that involve shopping and spending money. I’ll be shot at dawn if the old man finds out…
Is it OK to shop if it is bargain-based? I think that it might be
Colourmart posted some eBay cone end sets last week and I thought that they looked like really good weaving practice yarns. Described as:
Geelong lambswool 3/14 fingering wt yarn set. These superfine fibre geelong lambswool yarns were produced by Todd & Duncan in these vibrant color marls that make really attractive fabric after knitting, and they are very warm but light.
I bought two 500g (2,500 yards) packs – one in green shades…

…and the other in a mix of orange/tan/brown shades…

…and I held my breath and hoped like mad that I would get shades in the two packs that would marry together in my weaving…

…and I got lucky!
These bargain mill-ends arrive “off-the-cone.” That means that they were coned yarns that have been removed from their base to make them lighter to post. They need to be dealt with on arrival, before they become a useless tangled mess. I spent Sunday afternoon winding these ends onto my ball winder.
It was a highly successful session, I managed to waste no more than a few inches of yarn. This time I tackled the problem by finding the inside end, and unwinding the cone from the inside. It worked far better than previous attempts, where I had used the external free end.

This is what I ended up with – a skipful of highly versatile prime lambswool fingering for under £40, including postage. I plan/hope to recoup my costs by making a few sales of finished items.

Let us hope that orange and green are trending colours for the coming Autumn/Winter
More about this tomorrow…
Looks great, I just spent money too…. oops!