There are three rows left to go on the commissioned socks. I find myself filled with excitement. I can feel the weight lifting from my shoulders. What shall I do next?
After a little rest for my hands, and to do all that birthday cooking, I think I shall earmark Sunday to complete the Flukra shawl, because I cannot wait to see what that looks like when it is done -Â and it has hibernated for far too long.
After that? Who knows. I may start making some hexapuffs… (somebody stop me – quickly!) or I quite fancy romping to a finish on the Pi blanket – despite the fact that I still have not decided on border and edging patterns for it! I fully accept that it may simply be the weather speaking to me on that one. It may also be something of a giveaway that I have polyfill on order – I’d say the odds are in favour of hexagon knitting
Most of all, I want to spin. To spin and spin and spin, and fully familiarise myself with Morgana. Not to mention decreasing the fleece stash a little. I need the space in my workroom back.
Mr L is taking leave from the middle of next week until the New Year. My routine will be disrupted. Who knows what I shall get up to, or be prevented from doing. It’s all a wonderful mystery just now. I am hoping for some photo weather and some long walks. We shall have to see what transpires. No plans are yet in force for picnic lunch on the 25th, other than outline ones for some seasonally-flavoured sausage rolls.
While I was knitting away on these socks, I was watching the iPlayer. I will watch almost anything while I knit, and it was thus that I staggered into that strange other-world dimension that is the Hairy Bikers. I am so glad that I did not watch the Sweet Tooth programme before I went shopping, or I know what Birthday Pudding would have been. Still, there is always our Wedding Anniversary dinner on New Year’s Eve… Spinning Gill: you are on leftover cleanup duties!
Sorry about the lack of FO posts – I know it is Friday but as you can see, I have been distracted. Not only that, but projects keep going to new homes before I have chance to photograph them!
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