Tea was over, the tide was out, the sun was up, the wind was down. Hey-ho, wellies on!
Put in some practice for 30 Days Wild when I spotted this wee fellah.

This is of course A Perishers reference if you are wondering what on earth I am blethering on about.
Not sure how I’ll manage to do the 30 Days Wild blogging this year as we are away for a large chunk of that 30 days. I’ll do what I can. I’ll be out and about plenty whilst we are away, it’s the technology side of the daily blogging that is likely to fail me. I’ll just have to catch up when I get home.
Catch up? That’s a laugh – this from the woman with a part-written post about a weekend away in April, sadly behind on a three week trip away in March and STILL with trips to Scotland from 2015 to write up!!
Today I have been making Scotch Pancakes. Very poor Scotch Pancakes. Certainly no good for the Show. More practice needed.
But they tasted nice. 🙂