The snail stopped by this week

Mail from Deborah in Florida earlier this week. I replied with a long letter written on the ferry on Tuesday.

The snail stopped by again today, with letters from Wales and from Texas. Both had good stamps



Click for a larger view.

My favourite was the Mr Bumble stamp. We rarely see special stamps up here and I almost never get anything but the Scottish definitives when I go to the post office, so it is good to see a commemorative stamp on incoming mail.

Here’s a better view of the beadle.

Anybody else recall Harry Secombe playing that part? or the late, great, Robert Newton?

There were inclusions in the Texan envelope:



As mentioned earlier this week, Tuesday’s mail brought a goodie package from Hunter Hammersen (aka Violently Domestic) – here is the photographic evidence.



A closer look? (the colours are not good, I’m afraid)

Here is the sock and its yarn in a bowl that I found in the Clan charity shop.


I had intended the £2 bowl for the newly-refurbished cloakroom. Unfortunately it does not fit the window sill. Makes a good yarn photo prop, though!

Here is the mitt and its yarn and a plant pot that I picked up at the same charity shop for just 50p.


The old homestead is still in a state of upheaval but I confess that it has been worth it, and the cloakroom is looking tons better. Mr L wants to work on the rear hallway this weekend. I have spent most of today clearing it out in readiness.

Having obtained a ballpark valuation on the house and having delved into the details of obtaining a House Report etc. Mr L has applied the brakes to his enthusiasm.  We have a mid-term plan in place now and an agreement between us that we will at some point be moving back to mainland Scotland. It won’t be immediately, thank goodness. I have time left on my lovely island and time enough to come to grips with the idea of leaving. On the other hand, the hiatus will not be as long as I had hoped for.  I am trying not to resent the plan to move. Heaven knows, I do comprehend how badly he wants to quit his job – and I certainly want him to be happy. I just always assumed that when we down-sized, it would be here, in Orkney. He was the one who insisted that we moved here, when I didn’t want to come!

There will now follow an extended period of re-furbishing/cleaning/decorating/de-cluttering – this I have already begun. I have a large heap of stuff waiting to go to the recycle shop. I needed to make room in the bedroom  for the stuff I was moving out of the hallway, you see…

Does anybody realise just how much I hate this kind of thing. I could weep. I really could.

I’d far rather be knitting another mitt.




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