I shall keep today’s post brief as I am not really here, but elsewhere.
I have been busy and not had time to do much research for this Thursday’s Thrill, but I thought that I would share with you this pattern that I discovered via reading one of the Knit/Crochet Blog Week posters this week. This is one of Cherrymakesstuff‘s choices of inspirational pattern and I have to agree with Cherry about how wonderful it is.
Windswept, a circular shawl from Fiddlesticks Designs. 70″ diameter. Shetland lace.

I really would like to make this shawl. It looks so cosy and Victorian and authentic. I see myself wrapped up against the draughts in my cottage, reading by the fire…
Currently the kit is on offer at $41.80 (CAD?), which is a great deal but at over £27 would be liable for import VAT and the dreaded Royal Mail penalty charge (is it still £8?) thus making it not such a good deal at all.
I want to make another of Dorothy’s shawls, the Fern Glade. I am wondering now about sending away for the patterns. How I wish she would catch up with the modern world and provide PDFs. I am certain that her sales would rocket! All this business of not knowing the postage costs up front and having to do everything manually drives me nuts!
Anyway, Windswept (which long time readers will know that I can scarcely avoid knitting…) takes 200g of silk/wool blend at 1000m per 100g. And I know who can deliver some suitable fibery goodness without import charges being involved. I shall be looking at Natalie’s next shop update with a keen eye! Deep, deep velvety red with plum undertones, I think, Natalie? or a nice forest green… or a knock-em-dead amethyst… you know, if seeking inspiration… *cough* Now, that would be thrilling.