I’m feeling a tad mugmumpish today. A visit to the GP yesterday sent me home with a diagnosis of Achilles tendinopathy. I have exercises to do for the next two months. They hurt! Worse than that, I apparently need to wear shoes. I hate wearing stuff on my feet.
An additional pain in my toes, has me returning tomorrow morning for a fasting blood sugar blood test as although there’s an outside chance it is caused by the Achilles problem, it can also be a first indicator of Diabetes. I was worried about that but after a morning with my feet encased in those instruments of torture known as shoes… the toes have stopped hurting so much.
It’s all a bit boring around here, mainly due to the lack of get up and go on my part. The field outside is being harvested and may yield some photos at some point, as may the baby bunny that has taken up residence with the chooks – so far nothing doing on either count.
I’m having trouble returning to routine after the holiday and really do not quite know what to do with myself. The variety of lower limb pains that I am suffering is no help in this respect.
This morning I ventured forth to the bottle bank and took my camera. Nothing much came of that. Then I made a not very excellent carrot and coriander soup for lunch.
Good Lord, I am boring, aren’t I?
A delivery arrived a few minutes ago. There was a Bank Holiday sale at The Mountain Warehouse and I had seized the opportunity to shop for a few things for the van. A pair of folding chairs, to replace our old manky ones, and a couple of microfibre travel towels were in there, together with a new rechargeable lantern with whizzy LED bulbs in it, and a special grill plate for the UNO camp stoves. Great. Only…. the parcel seems to have been swamped at some point by toilet chemicals. It now reeks in here and I cannot stop sneezing. It’s making my head ache too.
Here’s some snaps from my village wander this morning.

There is a plan to fit the outer front door on Friday, this being the first week of Mr L’s new 4-day working regime. If the weather turns up as currently predicted, that will have all the doors fitted and us ready to see winter from a warmer, less draught-ridden perspective.
Plans are also well in hand for the second camper trip. The replacement wing mirror for the van has arrived and has been fitted. We are still waiting for the water pump. A new automatic cat feeder has been purchased – this one will play a recorded message to call the cats to feed. It will also do more than 5 meals, so we can stay away longer. Auto feed arrangements are also being put in place for the chooks.
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