So, here we are, December 1st and the year is all but done. I haven’t blogged much at all this year but this month I hope to get back into the swing of things, Today marks the beginning of Susannah Conway’s “December Reflections” for 2019. I am giving it a go.
Today’s prompt is: Through the Window
Now, this is a prompt that would normally pose little difficulty. I am after all in the habit of posting the “view from the van” when we park up somewhere new and also shoot the landscape as we drive… I therefore have numerous shots of the scene viewed through our windscreen. However…
We are currently parked nose-in to a wire fence, filled in with hedge and beyond that lies a belt of trees screening the view beyond. In short, there is nothing to see. The other windows are so heavily tinted for privacy that photography is difficult.
“So what?” you might cry, “just post an old one… this is December Reflections on the year past“. This is true, my friend but alas, I cleaned my hard drive of images before we left home in hope of speeding my laptop up a bit. Every one of my photos for this year (prior to departure at the end of October) are stored safely on our home server.
A little creativity was called for and I took the camera with me on our dog walk yesterday and also today, in hope of hitting lucky… I believe that this photo will also serve for Derelict Sunday? Or perhaps not, I took this yesterday and chose it over the version that I took today.

The Featured Image is one that I took as we drove along on our journey out of France and into Spain (2nd November).
Perhaps, on reflection, the ever-changing view from the van windows is one of the best aspects of this big adventure that we are on. So very many views that we have seen! I should share more of them, maybe.
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