Much pain today at the base of my left thumb, from yesterday’s spinning. I shall ignore it and push on until I have three empty bobbins for Friday.
The sun has temporarily deserted us and it is a grey morning – I am worrying that I shan’t have enough light for tinking that heel. I had planned to do it in the garden for maximum illumination – the combination of tiny stitches and dark yarn is very taxing on my far-too-old glasses.
I am hoping that postie brings needles today. If I can’t tink my heel then I shall be able to cast on Rivendells on my new needles. Otherwise, I think it is going to be the Pomatomus socks today. I intend to slack on the lunch today again and we are going to have a very simple egg curry from yesterday’s fresh free range eggs. I have some kalonji rice in the freezer, so I don’t even have to steam rice. I may even (tsk!) get my curry sauce from a jar – but we shall have to see about that.
One thing I do want to do today is to try the freeform lace knitting out. I’m just very inspired to do something with it for the PS3 “Air” ATC swap and want to firm some ideas up soon. I shall use some yarn from the cone of pale grey alpaca that I got from Colormart, and my new 2mm rosewood sox stix 🙂 I may even sort some beads out to play with…