Topsy Turvy

Life seems to be taking a turn towards madness and mayhem just now. Having elected to take a slow approach to the DIY, suddenly everything seems to be gathering pace! Like Topsy, the job just keeps growing.

A late decision to insulate the floors and add heating beneath the slate tiles escalated from an outline notion to placing an order–  in under 24 hours. Somehow I cannot help but feel a more measured approach would have been appropriate.

Heating the floors means that we need to plan our kitchen way earlier than expected. This is because you can’t lay the heating underneath furniture or units. I therefore had to make a decision on the hoof about my long-awaited island unit. In short, I am not having it. I may sob. The truth is that at this point we simply don’t have all the facts and measurements to be able to decide what goes where – add this to the fact that the heating will be much simpler to lay if we assume an uninterrupted run of cable and the island unit idea flies straight out of the window.

It’s OK though – I have identified a space where we can put some extra cupboards and have arbitrated about the use of worktop. I have also laid down a claim for a kitchen that has pull out worktops in its range. These would solve everything for me. I’ve also staked a claim for a nice old-fashioned farmhouse kitchen table and a power supply to the general table area. All this, plus the ability to cook barefoot all year round. I am deliriously happy.

Hang on… barefoot and in the kitchen?! I used to be a career girl. Whatever happened. (Thank the deity there is no chance of pregnancy.)

Progress and planning to date:

  • New front door, inner front door and back door to utility room ordered
  • 3 replacement windows to new “big room” ordered
  • additional replacement glazing to a couple of windows with seal problems, ordered
  • slate floor tiles for big room, utility room and front porch ordered, along with fixatives and grout
  • floor insulation: measured up and vendor identified, delivery quote requested
  • floor heating: measured up and vendor identified, delivery quote requested
  • new range model and vendor identified
  • outline plan for new kitchen arrangement fixed in our heads – including trading-off island unit and American style fridge for warm feet.

Next steps:

  • Order heating and insulation supplies – today or as soon as quote can be agreed
  • Clear our garage/porch etc.  to make space for deliveries – this work is scheduled for the coming weekend
  • Clear out utility room and kitchen to allow removal of all cupboards (eep!)
  • Remove old Rayburn and try to find new home for it rather than scrapping; an ad has been placed in the Sanday Sound
  • Lift old cork tiles and lay self-levelling compound

We probably ought to have some “before” shots – though they are not truly “before” as the walls are already down and some tile-lifting and floor repair already effected.


Well… I took the camera down there when I went to cook lunch but decided I really do not have the nerve to display the awful state of my kitchen to the world. Not without a lot of cleaning and tidying first! Today’s featured image is just something pretty from yesterday – irises in my garden.

Apparently yesterday was my 200th Blip, backblips are not counted.  I’ve been blipping for well over a year so that count is not brilliant. I really must try harder but I have no inspiration for today yet. I may resort to my knitting WIP. Shame on me.

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