I was up and about early this morning – finally giving in and putting my week old wet washing in the dryer. The bedding went on the line yesterday but the rest was still hanging around. I dashed off to the surgery, to see the very nice and extremely young locum (very firm handshake) and have needles stuck on my arm. Thence to the PO to mail off a swap postcard and buy more stamps for similar. While I was there I bought a wonderful greetings card with an old map of Orkney and Shetland on it. Then it was off to the shop and a search for some suet.
Today I shall be continuing to wind yarn, looking for patchwork fabric, and trying to get my plying done. I shall also be making a leek puddin’.
13 balls of yarn would last night and almost halfway there – there is a long way to go yet!
I just promised to make a pair of socks for Fenny. A possibly rash gesture on my part.