Mr L set off bright and early, in good time for the morning boat to Kirkwall. As the car is running one one spring, he thought it best to drive slowly and carefully, so allowed extra time to get to Loth.
The car went in to the garage and we have yet to hear how it has fared. Mr L caught his bus to St Margaret’s Hope and the ferry to Gill’s Bay, where he collected the camper van and went on a tour of Caithness… actually he wanted to go to Wick to find a DIY superstore in the hope of getting some longer fittings for the new windows. He found Homebase but not surprisingly failed to find his screws. While he was parked up he rang home to say that he had lost his reading glasses, so I spent much of the remainder of the day in trying to track them down. This in turn meant that my planned activity of sorting out the utility room to enable fitting the back door today, just did not happen.
In fact, I didn’t even manage to fit knitting in yesterday. I was on the go all day, though seemed to achieve little.
This morning I was up in good time to make an attempt at having things straight before Mr L was due back at about 09:30. He arrived on time and insisted that I immediately have a tour of the van.
It’s not at all bad and probably represents very good value for what we paid. It’s showing it’s age, being over 20 years old but it’s good enough for us to try out on short trips for a year or two before we decide if we want an upgrade for the retirement years and more ambitious trips. We could easily stay away for a week or more as it stands. The best news is that there are no funny odours! Nor any suspicious stains. A win.
I don’t care much for the front passenger seat. The seats in the living space are fitted with seat belts so I imagine I’ll wish to travel in the back with my knitting.
Overall there are some differences to the expected model – it’s only four berths, not six, with the cab section being fitted with overhead lockers instead of a bed. This is probably a plus point for us. Also, it’s not as high-end as Mr L had suggested and the real wood veneers that he promised are in fact Formica. Given my congenital lack of housekeeping genes, it’s probably also a plus point.
Indoor DIY today has taken a rear seat and Mr L is busy removing the motor cycle carrier from the rear of the new vehicle. Tide tables and weather predictions have been checked and we plan to go for a little run around the island, with a dog walk on the beach and a picnic later on. I may take photos of the van in the wild
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