If all went well, you should be reading this on our zippy personal server. Are we going like the clappers now? Do let me know if things are not as they should be – from our end all is looking fine but you may well discover broken links and missing images we are not aware of.
Yesterday was stunningly beautiful and as I mentioned previously, we took the opportunity to get out and about and to top up our Vitamin D levels. Mr L suggested that we go for a stroll along Cata but I demurred as that would mean getting the Land Rover out and I felt in need of a little more warmth and comfort. We arbitrated and then settled on going up to Lopness but as we drove out of the gate I could see big breakers over the far side of Els Ness and suggested an alternate plan, and so we set off for Sty Wick…

… where the waves did not appear to be all that large after all.
Nell soon found a plastic bottle to play with but I contented myself with the camera. It felt good to be out and taking photographs again. The curve of the spume on the beach caught my eye

We were accompanied by several Fulmars who were keeping a very close eye upon us in the way that they do when they are breeding. I was mulling upon this behaviour when I spotted a pair in the dunes. Have they been confused by the weather, I wondered – can they really be attempting to breed before we have even reached the Winter Solstice. Or do I misunderstand what I am seeing. One of the pair flew up as we approached and joined the others on the wing, buzzing us like so many little Spitfires.

It certainly did not seem to be a case of one confused pair, as there appeared to be several contenders hanging on in there

Perhaps somebody can enlighten me.
Nell found a wee oval ball to play with and discarded her red bottle…

… but I found something much better, a part of the beach where a spring had formed. It was causing some wonderful patterns to emerge in the sand.

I snapped away happily, while Nell played

Nell soon found a better toy

and I carried on snapping away. This post caught my eye

I previously photographed this post in a different position, the elements have clearly been at work

Okay, we’re up to date. Hopefully you out there in the real world can see this post – I’ll probably never know if you cannot. I just hope that you are reaping the benefits of the whizzy server.
No knitting done. Precious little puzzling either, it’s all been geek stuff today. I need chocolate and a lie down.
Tomorrow’s trip to town is cancelled. I shall go spinning, all being well. My wheel is feeling better now after last week’s under the weather spell. (I shall explain another time.)
Fine and fast.
That’s good news!