Where did February go?
I was planning on posting a Wordle map of each month’s witterings as we pass through the year. I did manage one for January. A few minutes ago I trotted off to Wordle to feed it my February archive and what did I find? Wordle is down! Apparently there is a legal issue over use of the Wordle trademark. I cannot say that I am surprised – I am sure that when I first found wordle.net I was reminded of a boxed game by that name and therefore surprised that the name was in use for the online application. Memory may be fuzzy however.
So, it’s March tomorrow. I doubt that Wordle would have thrown up many obsessions in February that differed from January‘s – and I doubt even more that March would bring any further difference. Let us face it – we are thoroughly bogged down in wool here. There was a reason for that – other people. Mean people. Narrow minded people. Spiteful people. You know – the kind that cannot bear anybody to have a personal opinion that differs from their own, anybody with a voice, an ambition, an experience… and that’s without mentioning stalkers. So I muted mine.
Boring, isn’t it?
It is a pity, though – there is so much in life to enjoy and to rejoice in.
We must find some way of injecting life into this part of the blogosphere that will not invite the meanness in. So, how about a little more reader participation? Let’s have some comments and discussion. Let us get to know each other!
If Wordle had been working today I expect some key terms that it would have shown up would have been:
- Knitting
- Needles
- Silk
- Evenstar
- Haiti
So, here is your question – if Wordle could take a look at your life in February 2010, what obsessions might it have revealed? 3 to 5 single words for the rest of us to ponder, please – in the Comments section below. Go on, play a game with me… keep it clean
In the meantime – NaBloPoMo’s suggestion of a blog prompt for March is strange(r) and that speaks to me. I am not looking to write a post on a daily basis, though I am very pleased to be posting more frequently. I might take a lead from NaBloPoMo from time to time, so perhaps we might anticipate a little strangeness here from time to time.
And, in a strange quirk of fate – a stranger is just a friend that I haven’t got to know yet. That hands the ball back to you and the Comments section, does it not?
Bitterroot Shawl “Thank You” Draw
Today is the last day for telling me that you have contributed to MSF by any route at all (p/hop etc.) in the wake if the Haitian earthquake. I’ll be drawing the winner for the shawl tomorrow from the list of commenters, plus those who contacted me in private. Numbers will be assigned and a winner drawn by generating a random number from the set. I will contact the winner and ask them for their postal address. If I do not receive a reply within 7 days, the draw will be taken again. Repeat until successful.
I think might might feature the words work, weekend and knitting strongly… again! I seem to be working far too hard right now and simply living from weekend to weekend.
Hang on in there , Katie, and it will be Easter before you know it. I wouldn’t be a teacher for all the tea in China
My February words would be: invitations, knitting, Bar Mitzvah, planning, and snow.
I love reading your blog. Hang in there!