Yesterday ended well and I am still smiling. Do you have a special friend – one that can place a smile on your face from hundreds of miles away, just by your seeing their name in your in-box or similar? Well, I had a contact from a special friend yesterday and it really lifted my spirits. The funny thing was that only the day before I had been looking at their photograph and wondering how life is treating them.
In fact I was looking at many photographs and a goodly collection of friends unseen for years. There were Nevilleys, Princesses and Minotaurs, Mouses and Leverets and Golden Moments and gliders and castles and bananas and the one who Dances With Waves and so much more. Many of the photos were taken around the Auchencairn area and served only to make me eager for our trip down to the Solway Firth next month. (If anybody reading this understands the references, then please stop and say Hello. I miss you, all of you.)
I galvanised myself and my wheel and went out to spin yesterday. Spinning wasn’t really happening for me so I switched to knitting, though that seemed to make only minimal progress.

When I came home I decided to check some project bags and found a small quantity more of the Art yarn that I need for the Beekeeper’s Quilt, so that cheered me up a deal, then there was chatter with my friend before bed, silly television and chocolate liqueur. So not a bad day, all told.

Today I am tackling that utility room that has long been in need of clearing. I hope to be blocking some knitting projects before this week is out but my will is weak when it comes to cleaning and I am readily distracted. We shall see. Lunch was simple but veering to the cheffy side when I decided to crush the potatoes (garlic black pepper, olive oil, rosemary) to go with our fish (Basa fillets) glazed carrots and spinach. Absolutely delicious and quite satisfying and therefore I feel guilty about so looking forward to tea-time. I made a batch of soft rolls in the residual oven heat after baking the fish, mixed up a packet of Paxo (not very cheffy, that) and popped that in the oven at the same time. Roast Pork sandwiches for tea in freshly-baked rolls. What could be more appetising than that? Okay, I agree, a hot pork sandwich from that place in York, complete with apple sauce and crackling… yes, that is the most appetising thing I can imagine. Is it still there? Oh, yes, they remain – but, my, how they have changed (and grown)!
Last but not least: today is Towel Day

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