DIY has been all consuming and I have been so physically and mentally tired that I have not had the strength to lift a set of sock needles for over a week! There has been no knitting done until last night, when I knocked off three blanket squares. There has however been an itsy bitsy piece of weaving done…

In June 2008 we spent a day in Stromness. Mr L bought me a pair of batts from The Sorting Room and I spun them into singles. I always thought that I would use them one day for weaving.

As I recall, the white was Shetland and the dyed parts were from generic local sheep. The dyed parts were far coarser than the white and I ended up with a soft white fluffy single with large pink and purple slubs in it. I think it is lovely and full of character.

I am adding a second weft yarn from a silk hankie that SpinningGill gave to me to play with. It’s spun fine and then 2 plyed. I’m adding it at more or less random intervals – wherever I feel that it would look good. The warp is a very hairy cotton warp that I got from Texere, though cannot now find any technical details for it.
it is a very open weave. I have no idea what it might end up as – except, maybe, a binding for a hand bound book?
As for the DIY? Insufficient progress made! As always, difficulties revealed themselves as we went and there is half the job remaining to be done.

The long hall and the corner turn need the floor doing. The white wall has been painted but the WC needs the walls and floor doing yet.

Once we turn the corner and go down the step, things improve greatly!

And, turning into the playroom, even better:

We are ready to repopulate the playroom. Much of the room’s contents are lurking in the trainroom – along with the remainder of the carpet destined for the long hall.

That bar billiard table and the keyboard – both need to be moved into the playroom now…
We need to get a move on, Mr L wants to build his train layout soon.
As for me, I want to find the energy, the enthusiasm, and the time in which to knit.
it’s looking good, is the supply of good tiles holding out?
A quick calculation suggested that we have more than enough of the “good” tiles to complete the hall. We were tired though and may have done our sums wrong
not surprised you are tired – it looks exhausting work – at least it will end