Right. I do believe that we are getting back into the swing of things here, even though the floor is still not done. DIY seems to be on hold.
It must be time to do a WIP update, although little has been happening on the fibre front in the last few weeks.
There is sock :Â the fourth Silk Road Socks project is under way and I am finding some time to put in on it –Â though a finished pair by the end of the month seems increasingly unlikely.
These are called Nain and are being knit in Ochil merino sock yarn from The Yarn Yard. The colour is called Dance. I am enjoying this sock very much indeed – both the pattern and the yarn are lovely and the combination is a happy one. Ochil has a great stitch definition and is a really good choice for the twisted rib pattern in Nain. I would like to take the credit for that choice but, you know, it is the usual happy accident.
Sock #1 is currently just past the gusset shaping. It should be a quick romp to the toe if I can maintain attention and not drift off to…
The Scarf/Shawl thing: started last night, using the accidentally purchased Erica, is the Whirlpool Scarf. This is my nod in the direction of Project Spectrum’s May theme of Red. It is also Comfort Knitting. Very simple, and curiously addictive. I think that the flamboyant colour and the simplicity of the pattern will prove to be a winning combination. At the moment it seems to be all that I can think about. I am besotted by it. All the same…
There is spinning: I was busy earlier in the week preparing some fleece for this weekend. Today I tried spinning it as an experiment and managed to polish off a complete batt at spinning group this morning, in between making drinks and serving flapjacks.
There is much other activity: getting ready for the Open Studios is taking up a lot of my time. All manner of things to be thought about. Happily it is only the first that will take so much effort. Later weekends will be just “more of the same” if we can get the prescription right first time – so well worth putting the time in just now. Nobody said there would be so much cleaning though. I feel that a complaint should be made…
So, what is not being done? The ferry blanket languishes and the Hap Shawl seems to be in hiatus. Also not being done are the red socks that I had hoped to produce for Project Spectrum. Progress on the UFO reduction plan seems infinitesimal, and my weaving has failed to make forward progress too.
There is much catching up to be done and I find myself actively looking forward to Mr L’s trip Sooth at the end of the month. After all, I cannot be roped in to DIY matters if he is not here to be doing it, can I?
There is some sample knitting arriving soon. I shall have to prioritise that when it gets here. It has to cross the Atlantic first, though – so maybe I’ll knock the Whirlpool out first.
Apologies for the lack of photographs – my table is fully occupied with dirty fleece and I really can’t be bothered clearing up and getting the soft box out
I just want to pick up my Whirlpool and knit. It’s my response to the natal anniversary. I am infeasibly old. How did that happen?
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