You knew I couldn’t resist it, didn’t you?

Just one repeat to go on this mitt. I’m in no hurry to do the other, I just wanted to try the pattern out. I’ll be back to the man sweater later today.
This post serves as the February round-up post, I suppose. After all, it is March tomorrow. Didn’t that come around quickly?!

WIP-busting has not gone well this month, with just the one UFO coming to final fruition – the Petra-fied Hand Warmers. The other UFO targets made very little progress, due to conflicting requirements. The Pink Swallowtail Shawl has reached the Lily of the Valley border and some tinking is taking place before forward progress may resume. The Cascading Leaves Shawl has pretty much remained in hibernation since an early attempt at a fresh beginning. On the other hand, new projects yielded: a Tretta Hat; an Amanda Hat; a front and most of a back for a man sweater; 2 lace cuffs for some fingerless mitts; the centre portion of a Girasole shawl; and the above portion of the second of this month’s hand warmer/mitt projects.
Not much in terms of stash yardage busted or UFOs completed, but other things have taken priority over knitting this month, and will continue to do so – which is why I am leaving the hit list at just the two shawls, and adding nothing further to March’s targets. Priority 1 is the man sweater, then the two UFO shawls, and the Echoes of Eden mitts beckon to me thereafter. The needles I sent for to enable the Girasole were bent on delivery and I need to obtain some straight ones before making any progress there.
Most of all, I want to do some spinning. I miss it, and I think the left wrist problem is much improved. I shall try to reintroduce it to “the pinch” quite gently, just for short periods initially.
PS4 beckons also, and some green knitting will be forthcoming – and not just the “Eden” mitts.
I do want to allow PS4 to take me away from the knitting from time to time and to leave some space to explore photography and paper, glue and paint again. There is also a strong urge to return to the pen. I am feeling my way around a vague notion of a whole PS4 project – perhaps a stab-bound book – covering all four phases and encompassing several creative directions at one sitting. I am not certain, but I think it will be inspired by my island.
I don’t know. It’s fuzzy, as yet.
How to take it forward? Well, I think I might start by exploring my stash and photographing its green elements! Then, if the weather is suitable tomorrow, I plan on taking some North-facing photographs.